by | Aug 24, 2024

Book Announcement – Reconstruct

The Recon Tavern is pleased to announce this very exciting development: The release of the book “Reconstruct: Recovering Christian Advance in a Culture of Retreat.

The book is intended to be an introductory overview of Christian Reconstruction, it’s foundations and applications. It also includes access to the companion resource, the Family Legacy Template, a tool to help you to chart the vision of your own family as you seek to Reconstruct at home.

This book is available now on Amazon, along with a Kindle version in the coming days or weeks. Beyond that, Caleb Powers will be narrating an audio version to be made available on Audible as well.  Some of you may have seen his excellent work in narrating Rushdoony’s book “Revolt Against Maturity”.

Below is an excerpt from the book’s Preface. We hope you enjoy the book and that it will be profitable for you in the days ahead. To God be the glory!

“There are a variety of opinions on what to do with the “brand” of Christian Reconstruction and how it has historically been manifested for better or for worse. Past and present, there are those who have done and said what is right under the banner of Christian Reconstruction, there are those who have done and said what is wrong under the banner of Christian Reconstruction. Regardless of labels, the reality of Christian Reconstruction is inescapable. As reconstructionist theologian R.J. Rushdoony once stated:

“We live in a culture consumed by the love of death. It works to reorder all things in terms of its death wish. It refuses to execute murderers, but it kills unborn babies by the millions. We are in the midst of a worldwide reconstruction movement which seeks to reorder all things in terms of its will to death…There is always some kind of reconstruction movement underway as men of one faith or another seek to reorder society in the world in terms of their faith. The only question is, whom do we want reordering, reconstructing the world? Christ or the enemies of Christ?”

So onward we go. The work of Christian Reconstruction extends beyond mere academic pursuits (like the writing of this book); it encompasses practical engagement and application in our everyday lives. And though the world dives further into folly and the church at times seems either feckless or complicit, we have a calling. It is not an option to sit back and watch the world burn as we wait for heaven. Christ is both our Lord and Savior, and it is our glorious privilege to pour out our lives for Him.

As far as labels are concerned, I care very little about what label you adopt or don’t adopt. Sometimes labels are useful to provide clarity and to distinguish between differing schools of thought. Sometimes they are an unnecessary distraction. My concern is not whether someone adopts the term “Christian Reconstruction” or any of the other labels you’ll read about in this book. It is the convictions themselves that I believe are important for the sake of you, your children, and your children’s children.

All this being said, any attempt to cover a topic with as many far-reaching implications as Christian Reconstruction will inevitably come up short in some way. No book that seeks to be “introductory” could cover all the relevant matters. Nevertheless, after reading this book I hope you will understand what Christian Reconstruction is, the reason why it is desperately needed, and how to begin to enact change towards these ends both for you and the generations that follow you.

In Part One of this book, the first nine chapters delve into the foundational aspects of Christian Reconstruction centered around its four core principles followed by chapters on kingdom and exile theology. In the final chapter of Part One, a number of common questions & concerns related to the doctrines associated with Christian Reconstruction are addressed. Part Two of the book covers Christian Reconstruction across a variety of key issues and applications from education, to family to wealth, to civic engagement, and more. The appendices cover subjects of Christian Reconstruction as related to the Reformed Confessions, Seven Mountains Dominionism, Islamic Fundamentalism, and Christian Nationalism.

A massive thank you to everyone who helped to make this book a reality. To Caleb Powers and Kevin Amundson who’s assistance in editing has been invaluable. Thank you to Benjamin Moore who was instrumental with his contributions to the book in co-writing Chapter 4 and writing Chapters 5 and appendix iii). “Please take note of the Family Legacy Template in the resources section at the end of this book.”

I pray this book inspires you to action for you and your descendants. Benjamin and I pray that this book challenges you just as the doctrines that formed the basis of the book challenged us. We pray that it blesses you and spurs you on to renewed purpose and action to the glory of Christ and for the edification of His people. Most importantly, thank you to He who is faithful to a thousand generations. Despite whatever feeble attempts we make to follow Him, God is the source of all truth and transformation. “For from Him and through Him, and for Him are all things.” To Christ be the glory forever, Amen.”

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J.M. Wilson
J.M. WILSON, a husband and father of five, is the Founder of the Recon Tavern, an online platform exploring topics related to Christian Reconstruction. He is deeply committed to fostering an intergenerational legacy of faith and influence for the Kingdom.


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