
“The Lord said unto my Lord, Sit thou at my right hand, until I make thine enemies thy footstool.”


What we believe

Our Mission and Distinctives


The Recon Tavern is grounded in the comprehensive gospel of the kingdom and exists to equip the church for the building up of Christian Civilization according to the law of God. 

Distinctively, we are theologically reformed, postmillennial in eschatology, presuppositional in epistemology,  covenantal in metaphysics, and theonomic in relation to the law-word of God. 

As redeemed servants of God serving in the Kingdom of God, we seek to reconstruct every area of life in the name of the risen Christ, Jesus our Lord and Savior.

Who We Are

Our Contributors


J.M. Wilson

J.M. Wilson

Founder & Senior Editor

J.M. Wilson is a Christian Reconstructionist pursuing the Great Commission with his wife and children with a focus on intergenerational dominion. He is the author of “Reconstruct: Recovering Christian Advance in a Culture of Retreat”. You can find his writings here at the Recon Tavern. Wilson also admins a number of social media forums like Theonomy Q&A, The Level Headed Christian Reconstructionist, and Postmillennialism Q&A.

Jason Garwood

Jason Garwood


Dr. Jason Garwood has spent his career seeking to both understand and apply the Biblical worldview to every single area of life. His aim is to help pastors and churches to be better equipped to engage in the Great Commission by teaching Christians how to find their individual purpose in the Kingdom of God and learn how to identify and respond to cultural idols. He is currently the teaching pastor at Cross & Crown Church in Northern Virginia.

Russell Traweek

Russell Traweek


Russell is Reconstructing Life as a husband of 20+ years, father of four amazing children, pastor, author, blogger and farmer that owns his own construction company.

Benjamin Moore

Benjamin Moore


Ben is a Christian worldview writer who holds a BA in Economics and is currently pursuing a Masters degree in Biblical studies at Reformed Theological Seminary. He and his beloved wife live and serve to advance the Gospel in all areas of life.

Stephen Perks

Stephen Perks


Stephen Perks is the Director of the Kuyper Foundation. He is the author of a number of books, has contributed articles on a variety of topics to journals in Britain, Europe and the USA and lectured on a variety of issues, including theology, Christian world-view, economics, politics, education, legal history and music. 

Jay Breaux

Jay Breaux


Jay is husband to Kelcey and an associate pastor at Iowa First Baptist Church in Louisiana. He is passionate about classical education, the Puritans, and serving the local church. Jay is pursuing his MA in Religion online at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary.

Stephen Belk

Stephen Belk


Stephen has been married to his wife Jessi for 8 years and currently teaches 6th grade at Logos School in Idaho. He has an MA in Biblical and Theological Studies and plans to pursue doctoral work in the future.

Manuel Garcia

Manuel Garcia


Manual Garcia is a husband, father, and servant of our reigning King, Jesus. He is a student of the scriptures, and occasionally a teacher.

Jason Matyas

Jason Matyas


Visionary, Entrepreneur, Strategist, Reformer, and Liberty-loving Patriot. More importantly, a husband, father of 7 on this earth, and follower of Christ. Seeking to integrate faith, family, and entrepreneurship in order to maximize my impact in each area.

William Johnson

William Johnson


William works in higher education, specializing in student success and career services. He has been married to his wife Melody for 5 years and is currently pursuing a MATS. Although not currently in a pastoral position, he plans to resume bi-vocational ministry in the near future.

Questions? Interested in Contributing? Send us a Submission.

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