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Theonomy & Arguments From Silence

Theonomy & Arguments From Silence

Do Christian Reconstructionists "argue from silence" when they say that civil government should not presume upon powers unless such powers are explicitly granted to them in scripture?  If I'm...

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Theonomic Critics of Theonomy

Theonomic Critics of Theonomy

Setting the Stage Events over the past several years have conspired to expose that much of the “conservative” evangelical pastorate has been asleep at the switch when it comes to the intersection of...

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Presupp Epistemology

Presupp Epistemology

  “…but sanctify Christ as Lord in your hearts, always being ready to make a defense to everyone who asks you to give an account for the hope that is in you, yet with gentleness and fear.” (1...

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Featured Organizations

Chalcedon Foundation

The Chalcedon Foundation is a Christian education organization devoted to the research, publishing, and promotion of Christian Reconstruction. We believe that the Christian faith is applicable to every area of life and thought and that all things are to be “reconstructed” according to God’s revealed will in Scripture.

The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority

The Warrenton Declaration on Medical Mandates, Biblical Ethics, & Authority was created in order to provide doctrinal clarity and coherence on issues of biblical authority and ethics related to medical mandates. The declaration seeks to equip local churches and their officers in providing transparency on where they stand and to assist individuals who are being mistreated in their churches with a well-ordered summary of belief in this regard.

Cross & Crown Church Sermons

Each week you can stay connected to our teaching content. Simply click below and you can find our messages in audio and video formats. 

Fellowship of Reconstructionist Churches

The Fellowship of Christian Reconstructionist Churches (FCRC) exists to serve and equip its member churches and missionaries by providing assistance in kingdom endeavors, planting new fellowships, providing ongoing guidance, accountability, training, resources, and support.

The removal of religious exemptions to vaccine mandates is underway. It is time for the church to discuss what this means for the Body of Christ.

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Our Mission

The Recon Tavern is grounded in the comprehensive gospel of the kingdom and exists to equip the church for the building up of Christian Civilization according to the law of God. 

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